ARTE: Twitter Files PT 6 - @HuffPostLA #LARIOTS

Pretty much the story goes as you see it below! Last night at the Grammy Museum Huffington Post LA tweeted the remarks of a panel discussing the LA RIOTS 20 years later. This all went down on the same night that Trayvon Martins family was in LA at the West Angeles Church along with Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Stevie Wonder and hundreds of others as a rally was held.
*You might remember last year we hosted Thurzday album/documentary debut. It was the T R S H (The Riot Starts Here) experience which was a concept project chronicling the events that led up to the LA RIOTS. The album and documentary speak with people who were involved in and witnessed first hand all of the things that were bubbling around the time that led to the Rodney King beating and later the LA RIOTS.
and my final tweet in reply was "@HuffPostLA @sashabronner @annaalmendrala glad you were tweeting tonight! Communication is key & has to stay open#LARIOTS #Trayvon"