Discovered Photographer Hal on DDO here's the background on the Fresh Love series...
Photographer Hal based out of Tokyo.
"When you embrace your lover, sometimes you wish to melt right into them. To realize this wish, I've been photographing couples in small, or even cramped spaces like motels and bathtubs. As my work has become more and more intense, I've noticed that communication is indispensable. This time, I reached the point of photographing couples in vacuum-sealed packs, in a set that I 've constructed in my own kitchen. The lights are in the ceiling, so I just lip one switch and have everything ready. I have a few different colored paper backgrounds, which I can leave rolled up in the corner. until there's none left. This gives me 10 seconds to take the shot. In this extremely limited time I can't release the shutter more than twice."
Bathtubs, couples, love and challenge are strong themes throughout this artist’s work with other key elements including individuality, style, communication and intimacy.
Photographer Hal brings complete strangers to his confined, crucible like spaces only to convey his continuing theme of ‘love of the couple’. The initial title Pinky & Killer used a small space or room to capture the willing couples, soon followed by the title Couple Jam which brought the focus even closer to the subjects who were placed in a bathtub together. “I am currently seeking new dimensions in portrait photography by challenging the majestic theme of mankind, defined through love.” Photographer Hal’s latest project is called Fresh Love, which captures the many varied and fresh couples in vacuum sealed package.