ARTE: SANDY iPhone Photo Book

#SANDY is a book of iPhone Photos by acclaimed photographers who captured the tragic devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy in New York City, New Jersey, and Connecticut. #SANDY will be published by Daylight Books in 2014 but when you purchase now, you will get an early copy in October 2013!
100% of the royalties from the book will be donated to Occupy Sandy to support the rebuilding efforts in New York City and the Sandy Storyline project.
The book is only available for purchase through our IndieGogo campaign and you will receive it by the first year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy in Late October 2013. If we do not meet our funding goal, the book will not be published.
Featured photographers include Benjamin Lowy, Stephen Wilkes, Ed Kashi/Vll, Richard Renaldi, Hank Willis Thomas, Lyle Owerko, Wyatt Gallery, Ruddy Roye, Craig Wetherby, Andrew Quilty, 13th Witness, Michael Christopher Brown, Yosra El-Essawy, Erica Simone, Giles Clarke, Sam Horine, Stanley Lumax, Dylan Chandler, Brent Bartley, and Nicole Sweet.
This book is the first of it's kind to showcase the impact of the iPhone combined with Social Media to inspire others to make a difference while simultaneously reporting the news.
Photo by Ruddy Roye
Photo by Wyatt gallery
Photo by Benjamin Lowy
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