LA photographer Noe Montes. We met him at #OCCUPYLA while he was taking portraits. The last two photographs are in a limited series of post cards that he made, he was kind enough to send us one of each and they are beautiful! If your lucky when you visit his site click on the blog he might have 1 or 2 left.
LA is Beautiful series: Port of Los Angeles
Family series: Villegas FamilyLandscape series: Somewhere Above the United States
LA TIMES gets it right on this one…we were at #OCCUPYLA facilitating art classes with the youth down there, we were located right next to the Wish Tree where anyone can right down there wishes and hang them around the trunk. A large percentage of the teenagers that stopped by wished there was no violence in there community.
Other things that are worth mentioning are the People’s University (where class was in session when I dropped in), the Library, Meditation and Free Yoga, the Theatre Co., Kids Village, the free solar powered wifi tower and a plethora of other creative things springing up by the minute.
Amber Robles-Gordon received some blunt criticism during her graduate studies when she was told she couldn’t seem to separate herself from her artwork. Robles-Gordon became introspective, and identified why she’s so entrenched in her art.
Community Voice Projectis a collaboration with the Department of Anthropology in the College of Arts & Sciences and the University Library. American University’s School of Communication and College of Arts and Sciences.
Amber Robles-Gordon
Amber Robles-Gordon is a mixed media artist. Her preferred medium is collage and assemblage. She also works with pastels, acrylic, watercolors, photography and oil paint sticks. She then merges these mediums into to her collages.
Her work is representational of her experiences and the paradoxes within the female experience. She focuses on fusing found objects to convey her own personal memories, inspired by nature, womanhood and her belief in recycling energy and materials.
Robles-Gordon has over fifteen years of exhibiting and art educational experience. She completed her Masters of Fine Arts from Howard University in December 2010, where she has received annual awards and accolades for her artwork. She has exhibited in California, Germany, Italy, Malaysia, New York, Ohio, Spain and throughout the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area.
Robles-Gordon has been commissioned by the Smithsonian Anacostia Museum and Center of African American History and other organizations to teach workshops about creating paper mosaics and collages. She was commissioned by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities in 2010 to create a mural for the Windows in to DC project at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Most recently, she has been granted an apprenticeship from the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities, D.C. Creates Public Arts Program.
Cosmic Black III, mixed media on canvas, 22 x 22 x 22"
Artist Statement [ Excerpt ]
My artistic compositions reflect my gender and are also a visual representation of my hybridism: a fusion of my ethnic, cultural, and social experiences. I intentionally impose colors, imagery, and materials that evoke femininity, tranquility, and positive concepts with the intent of transcending or balancing a specific form. I associate working with light, color, and energy as a positive means to focus on the healing power found within all of us.
We function in a world, where change is the only constant. Everything in our universe will and has to change, be used, recycled and/or maintained. In order to evolve we constantly have to reassess and redefine what we value and how we manage, appreciate, and maintain our resources. Through my work I seek to examine the parallels between how humanity perceives its greatest resources, man/woman power verses how we treat our possessions and environment.
Amber Robles-Gordonworks in a studio full of the accumulations necessary to create her work. Bits of fabric, tile, beads, string, ribbons, and wire are collected and organized, ready to become mixed media wall oriented pieces. Some of her works are structured and geometric, while others are masses of vibrant complexity organized around basic shapes such as an eye, the DNA helix or a rising wingspan. These are works that entice the viewer to look in as well as at, to experience fully a carefully controlled chaos and all the beautiful paradoxes encompassed therein.
We are happy to have a new contributor for ARTE: we've been following Andre S. Belcher and his interesting observations in contemporary art for a while now. When it comes to art Andre admits that he is only concerned with "The naked and unabashed truth."
Global Arts: Visual Arts - Experimental Film/Video
Julia Raynham Born 1966 (Cape Town, South Africa)
Julia Raynham’s work melds choreography, theatre, poetry, video, sound, performance and improv, in a distinctly experimental vein. After studying architecture and music, she trained extensively as a sangoma (link beeen the ancestral and human worlds, specialist of herbal medicine, counsel in matters of psychological disturbance in Zulu, Swazi, Xhosa and Ndebele communities of Southern Africa). An ex-member of key collectives on the South Africa scene (Honeymoon Suites; The Mothertongue Project) and a writer (We Tell Our Old Songs: San Music of Southern Africa, with Marlene Winberg, 2004; ilikemagazine), she is the founder of Resonance Bazaar, a multidisciplinary platform for the development of artistic partnerships. Among her most renowned works are: Return to Traveller (The Edge, Cape Town, 2009); 21st Century Animal (7th edition of Rencontres Chorégraphiques de l’Afrique et de l’Océan Indien, 2008); and A New Body Will Be Assembled...More Brilliant Than Before (Below:Video)
Video: A collaboration between Julia Raynham and James Tayler
Absolutely adore Fred Eversley sculptures and the concept that created them.
Update on Saturday, October 29, 2011 at 4:12PM by
We just got word from William Turner himself that the solo show has been extended until Nov. 12 - "Peope GO see this exhibition" PSA from P.I.A. details at
South African artist Mary Sibande has done something amazing in her series Long Live The Dead Queen. We really love her installation/sculptures but what we love the most is how she takes over buildings in some nice and not so nice places with putting the “Dead Queen” up for the entire city to see.
YES OLEK…Occupy Wall Street has been continuing to stay in the headlines and put NYC back on the map. A very special artist using crocheting has been making her own #OccupyNY statements. Her crocheted bull perfectly compliments the protest. Her name is Agata Olek, she is from Poland and her art studio is in lower Manhattan. She has and will crochet anything from a car to a person and recently sent a photo to her facebook of a ping pong table in London…maybe the UK will be seeing interesting things popping up soon.
New York photographer Jamel Shabazz posted these recently on his facebook. We've been fans of Jamel's work since the release of his first book 10 years ago Back in the Days.
We went to the opening of NOW DIG THIS at the Hammer Museum last Saturday. It was a blast, we met artist Hank Willis Thomas and chatted with Garth Trinidad about his new art studio and what he thought about the opening of the exhibit.
NOW DIG THIS is curated by Kellie Jones and features the work of Black artists in LA from 1960 - 1980. Painter Charles White's piece Love Letter #1 is the cover of the catalog pictured below. Some highlights for me were Betye Saar and David Hammons but the artist that blew me away was sculptor Fred Eversley.
Now Dig This catalogDale Brockman Davis - Viet Nam GameFred Eversley - UntitledBetye Saar - Dark Girls WindowDavid Hammons - Bag Lady in Flight
If you are in London be sure to catch the film on painter Gerhard Richcter titled "Gerhard Richter Painting" by director Corinna Belz.
It will be shown a few times over the next month at the Tate Modern
From the trailer alone it looks amazing, we would not miss a chance to see the full documentary. Was also really cool to see him working in his studio alone, without 20 assistants in there painting for him. #oldschool
The film is being screened in conjunction with his solo show Panorama which opens at Tate Modern October 6 and runs for a few months.