Andy Robert:
2010 drawing of a farmer in Rwanda“Conceptually, I’m interested in narrative structures, chance, and notions of gaming as system; particularly for the ability to influence, alter, and frame perceptions --ways of viewing, experiencing and engaging with art and the world. Drawing from the Constructivists’ notion of gestalt --to alter and shift the perception of space through the use of everyday materials in art, and postmodern sensibilities; my practice, multi-disciplinary and predominately research based, incorporating both text and image, and invested in arts’ critical capacity. Acknowledging the body as a point, not alone or at center but social --of many points orbiting, pushing and pulling, conversing and relaying, I seek to question our boundaries, our space/time and our humanity as either a common, mutable and/or a fabrication.
And in working in the assemblage tradition and critically with archives, its’ interesting what happens to things when they come in to proximity and/or collide.”
The Bindery Projects: “4 Fragments," Minneapolis, Minnesota